Beginner level JavaScript Projects

Project information

The Repository contains basic HTML , CSS , JavaScript projects to get hands on with beginner level web developement. These includes :

1 ) Todo List - lets you create new items to be done and clear items completed from the checklist, the data persist even after you close the tab
2 ) Weather App - lets you search the weather of any City / Country / State.
3 ) Image Search Engine - lets you search any keyword and gives you images for the same in return which onclick will be directed to parent site where you can down the same
4 ) QR Code Generator - lets you create a QR code for anything given , be it a word , a sentence or a link
5 ) Notes App - lets you create notes for yourself which can be referred later, the data persits even after you close the tab
6 ) Movie Info App - Place where you can search for a movie / TC Show and it shows you relevant results and its highlight on hovering the card
7 ) Coming Soon Page - A Statis page which shows website is under maintenance and the timer till it comes back